Coffee & Convos: 2024 Past Events


If you missed out on Coffee & Convos in 2024, here's the full list of all our guest speakers and topics!

Did you miss out on our moms group? Email and let us know about a speaker or topic you'd like us to bring back! 


Jan 3: Coffee & Chill

No guest speaker this week. Come for free coffee and chat with moms!



We are cancelling Coffee & Convos this week. There will be no coffee and chill either.

We apologize to moms who were looking forward to this week. Please join us next week on January 17th!


Jan 17: Baby Oral Development

Dr. Michelle Lee, Dentist and owner of Apollonia Dental

Baby oral development and how it affects breathing.


Jan 24: Baby Sleep

Lisa Caputo, Infant and toddler sleep and well-being specialist with Little Village Sleep

Ease your mind and remove the stress from your infant / toddlers sleep while we spend the morning talking about the normal (and hard) parts of pediatric sleep with ways to work toward better sleep without needing to follow outdated sleep training programs.


Jan 31: Meet Moms

Are you looking to meet another mom?

If you were hoping to find a friend at Coffee & Convos and got a little overwhelmed by the 52 moms who showed up, come this week!

We'll be helping you foster new connections. Find your community at Coffee & Convos.

For anxious moms, moms coming for the first time with questions, or if you're unsure if this is a good idea for you, please email Iris at

We want you to be comfortable. If you need someone to sit with, introduce you to another mom, be that first friend when you walk in the door, we're here for you!


Feb 7 Navigating Early Development: A Guide to The First Year

Justin Prenioslo, Physio Therapist with Stork Mobile Physiotherapy

Justin will guide you through the crucial 1st year milestones, offering insights on factors that can either boost or impede a baby's development. From asymmetries such as torticollis and janky crawling he'll equip you with the essentials for your little one's growth journey.


Feb 13Meet & Greet 

Join us for our very first Tuesday afternoon Coffee & Convos! Starts at 1:00PM. Come and connect with moms. No guest speaker.


Feb 14Romance & Adventure!

Aleja Pena, Digital Nomad with Aleja Odyssey

Romance & Adventure! We talk long term travel as a couple, relationships, and how we earn money while on the road. Learn how you can do the same through becoming a digital nomad, finding remote work, becoming location independent, and surviving the trip.

Feb 20: No Guest Speaker

Due to illness Aleja will not be able to speak today. Come for coffee and a place to meet moms!

Romance & Adventure!

Aleja Pena, Digital Nomad with Aleja Odyssey

Romance & Adventure! We talk long term travel as a couple, relationships, and how we earn money while on the road. Learn how you can do the same through becoming a digital nomad, finding remote work, becoming location independent, and surviving the trip.


Feb 21Speech and Language Milestones

Lauren Sorokin, Speech Language Pathologist with Baseline Speech & Language Services Inc.

How to layer language on top of everyday play, and "when to be concerned" information will be shared. We will share what to expect on your little one's journey to first words, and beyond, and how/ where you can access support if needed.

Feb 27: Emotional Regulation Strategies

Georgia Miller is an author, teacher and owner of Mindful Brunette

Join Georgia as she'll chat about emotional regulation strategies, her story and her book! Georgia will be starting right at 1PM, so please be sure to arrive before then.


Feb 28: Infant Flat Head Syndrome

Sarah Elhanafy, Kinesiologist and Marketing Manager with ROKband Pediatric Headshape Clinic

We will discuss infant flat head syndrome (Plagiocephaly), what to look for, how to prevent, assessment and options for treatment. 



Mar 5Mastering Movement: Exploring the Later Stages of Development, Asymmetries, and Footwear Essentials

Justin Prenioslo, Physio Therapist with Stork Mobile Physiotherapy

Justin will explore the later stages of development, shedding light on skills like crawling and walking that might take a bit more time to master. He'll also highlight asymmetries to be mindful of, including janky leg crawling, toe walking, and offer insights into the right footwear at the right stage. 


Mar 6Mastering Movement: Exploring the Later Stages of Development, Asymmetries, and Footwear Essentials

Justin Prenioslo, Physio Therapist with Stork Mobile Physiotherapy

Justin will explore the later stages of development, shedding light on skills like crawling and walking that might take a bit more time to master. He'll also highlight asymmetries to be mindful of, including janky leg crawling, toe walking, and offer insights into the right footwear at the right stage. 

Mar 12: Rest and Digest

Dr. Anna Winner is a Pediatric Chiropractor with LiveWell Family Chiropractor

Rest and Digest aka sleep and poop!

Has your little one struggled with constipation? Do they hold their fist bunched up most of the time, arching their back, uncomfortable, and bicycle kicks just don't seem to do the trick? Have nights been challenging despite all of the best sleep advice?

Come learn about how chiropractic might be able to help! This session will include an engaging conversation, at-home tips, and a Q&A session, as well as an opportunity to see some of the technology we use in our office to help analyze and quantify stresses on your baby's nerve system that might be contributing to these challenges.


Mar 13: The Pressures to "Do It All"

Katrina Petryshyn is a mom and owner of The Makers Keep

What they DON’T tell you about being a women, a mom and a business owner. An honest and real talk about the pressures to “do it all”.

Mar 19: Postpartum Exercise

Amy Moolyk is an Exercise Physiologist and Strength & Conditioning Coach and co-owner of Connect Physiotherapy & Exercise

Join Amy as she shares essential insights on postpartum exercise, focusing on the latest research and offering practical advice for building back strength after childbirth. With specialization in biomechanics and exercise physiology, and over a decade of coaching experience, Amy brings valuable knowledge to moms seeking to navigate their fitness journey post-baby.


Mar 20The Daily Check-in: My #1 Relationship Hack

Krista Yaskiw, Addictions Counsellor and Life & Relationship Coach with Krista Yaskiw Coaching

As a relationship coach and counsellor, I will share my #1 tool to get you connecting with your partner. After having kids there is no doubt our relationships can shift, but this busy people approved strategy will get you communicating about the things that matter the most to keep things on track. 

Mar 26: Building A Better Edmonton

Michael Janz is a City Councillor with the City of Edmonton

Michael is an City Councillor, but he's also a dad of two youngsters. Come and chat with Michael about building a better edmonton for families of all ages and formations.


Mar 27Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Alyssa Newman, Registered Nurse with Public Health

When your dream becomes your worst nightmare. Told from a personal experience.

10:15AM-10:30AM City of Edmonton Councillor Tim Cartmell will be speaking with moms.


Apr 2: Postpartum Fertility

Crisia Tabacaru is a Fertility Awareness Educator & Fertility Doula with Cycle and Flow

The return of fertility postpartum can be challenging to navigate, but it doesn't have to be confusing. We'll chat about cycle charting postpartum, what your hormones are up to, factors that affect conceiving again, and options for natural birth control.

Apr 3Postpartum Exercise

Amy Moolyk is an Exercise Physiologist and Strength & Conditioning Coach and co-owner of Connect Physiotherapy & Exercise

Join Amy as she shares essential insights on postpartum exercise, focusing on the latest research and offering practical advice for building back strength after childbirth. With specialization in biomechanics and exercise physiology, and over a decade of coaching experience, Amy brings valuable knowledge to moms seeking to navigate their fitness journey post-baby.

Apr 9: Postpartum Running

Kaye Burrows is a Fitness Professional with Core Love Fitness Ltd.

Running postpartum: Want to get back to running this spring? Hoping to sign up for a race with some friends? Get the top tips on how to run without pain or peeing after having a baby.

Apr 10Pelvic Health

Tia McLean is a Physiotherapist with Nest Integrative Wellness

Tia will be chatting about pelvic health!

Apr 16 & 17: Ask The Mama Coach

Courteney Dennett is a Registered Nurse and Mama Coach with The Mama Coach

Join us for Ask The Mama Coaches! Come to get answers from registered nurses and an IBCLC to all your feeding, sleeping, potty training, newborn and all things parenting questions!

Apr 23:  Be Inspired to Spend More Time Outside 

Tara Sliwkanich, Outdoor Family Adventures Educator with Outside With Tara

Tara is an outdoor enthusiast and uses her social media: Outside With Tara, to help empower and educate parents, especially new moms, to get outside more with their babies and kids! Come chat with Tara to learn how to spend more time outdoors with your family!

Apr 24Mommy Drinking Culture

Krista Yaskiw, Addictions Counsellor and Life & Relationship Coach with Krista Yaskiw Coaching

#winemom might be a running joke, but the impacts on moms is anything but. In this workshop we will discuss the increasing trends of drinking culture in mothers in an open and non-judgmental way. We will also talk about the alternative coping strategies to help deal with the stress and isolation of parenthood.

Apr 30: How to Prepare Your Body for Optimal Pregnancy

Halah Alareeki, Registered Dietitian with Inara Nutrition

For those planning to grow their family and support their bodies in preparation for another pregnancy. Join us for a talk about nutrition for preconception and how to prepare your body for optimal pregnancy outcomes.


May 1: Importance of Being in the Pictures

Lotus Martel, Photographer/ Stay at Home Mom

“Importance of being in the pictures” talk about the importance of getting yourself in your pictures with your kids. Offering a draw for a free motherhood lifestyle session for attending.

May 7: Women’s Pelvic Health

Sidney Wideman, Physical Therapist with In home physical therapy

Incontinence, pain, and prolapse - a chat about women's pelvic health.

May 8: Positive Affirmation Card Exchange 

Words are powerful. Come help us fill our wall with your favorite mom affirmations or words of encouragement to share with our mom community.  Bring one home with you. 

May 14: The Benefits of Acupuncture

Candace Haughian, Acupuncturist with Nest Integrative Wellness

Acupuncture can be a powerful tool in your wellness journey. Acupuncture can help manage pain, assist with stress management and anxiety, it can help with digestive issues, help balance hormones, painful periods and more! Come chat with Candace to find out more!

May 15: Spend More Time Outside

Tara Sliwkanich, an Outdoor Family Adventures Educator

Tara is an outdoor enthusiast and uses her social media: Outside With Tara, to help empower and educate parents, especially new moms, to get outside more with their babies and kids! Come chat with Tara to learn how to spend more time outdoors with your family!

May 21: 8 Sensory Systems

Nicole Kluthe, Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Certified Birth Doula

Nicole will chat about how to engage your baby using the 8 sensory systems.

May 22: 8 Sensory Systems

Nicole Kluthe, Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Certified Birth Doula

Nicole will chat about how to engage your baby using the 8 sensory systems.

May 28: Nutrition for Postpartum Moms

Suneet Atwal, Dietician

Come chat with Suneet to learn how you can nurture and care for your body postpartum. Suneet will talk about the Top Foods for Healing, Energy & Mood.

May 29: Nutrition for Postpartum Moms

Suneet Atwal, Dietician

Come chat with Suneet to learn how you can nurture and care for your body postpartum. Suneet will talk about the Top Foods for Healing, Energy & Mood.



Jun 1: Expecting & Exercise

Shannon Dickie, Fitness Coach with Core Love Fitness Ltd

Top 3 exercises to do during pregnancy. We'll go through our favourite exercises in pregnancy, answer any questions about adjusting workouts and helping your pelvic floor.

Jun 4:  Discover the Benefits of Music Therapy

Rebecca Lappa is a Music Therapist at Rosebud Music Therapy

Unlock the power of music to soothe both mom and baby through music therapy. 

Jun 5:  Discover the Benefits of Music Therapy

Rebecca Lappa is a Music Therapist at Rosebud Music Therapy

Unlock the power of music to soothe both mom and baby through music therapy.

Jun 11:  Creativity for Coping

Kayla Huszar is an expressive art therapist for moms and owner of Kayla Huszar Creative Services

When consumed with baby care, it’s easy to be overstimulated, tired and distracted most of the day. There is zero time for you, let alone time for something that might make you feel alive again. Creativity is therapeutic. Expressing yourself with words and/or images can help you regulate and rediscover your identity.

Jun 12: Self-Compassion For Parents: Embrace Your Journey

Mikyla Cleary is a Psychologist at Solace Psychology & Wellness

Mikyla is going to chat about self-compassion for parents and talk about ways to: Embrace Your Journey.

Jun 18: Coffee & Chill with Bounce With Tots

Come and play with Bounce With Tots! A delightful play experience with their soft play equipment.

There will be no guest speaker today. Coffee will be provided.

*KARI HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED* Maternal Mental Health 

Kari Freeman is a Psychologist and owner of Kari Freeman Psychology

Kari will be sharing about Mental Health and Identity in Motherhood.

Jun 19Coffee & Chill

Come and chat with moms! There will be no guest speaker today. Coffee will be provided.

*KARI HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED* Maternal Mental Health 

Kari Freeman is a Psychologist and owner of Kari Freeman Psychology

Kari will be sharing about Mental Health and Identity in Motherhood.

Jun 25: Speech and Language Milestones and More

Lauren Sorokin is a Speech and Language Pathologist, with Baseline Speech & Language Services Inc.

Lauren will talk about speech and language milestones and expressive language strategies. Find out when to be concerned and learn how to layer language on top of play.

Jun 26: Raising Resilient Children

Mikyla Cleary is a Psychologist at Solace Psychology & Wellness

Learn how to best support your child’s mental wellness in order to raise resilient children. Learn how to raise resilient children through supporting your child;s mental wellness. 



Jul 2:  Flat Head Syndrome

Sarah Elhanafy, B. Ph. Ed., R. Kin. Partner Services Manager with ROKband

We will discuss infant flat head syndrome (Plagiocephaly), what to look for, how to prevent, assessment and options for treatment. 

Jul 3: Toddler Language

Kathy Simon, Speech Language Pathologist with Simon Says Speech Inc.

Kathy will be speaking about engaging activities to engage your toddler and build language!

Jul 6: Q&A With The Mama Coach

Courteney Dennett, Registered Nurse and Mama Coach with The Mama Coach

Come and have an open Q&A discussion with a nurse & mama on all of the nitty gritty labour things nobody talks about!

Jul 9: Coffee & Chill

No guest speaker. Come for coffee and a time to meet moms!

Aisha from Henna art by Ayesha will be joining us at Coffee & Chill. Indulge in a moment of beauty and relaxation with a henna session for moms. Let the intricate designs unfold, as you bond with your little one, creating memories that are as timeless as the art itself. Henna will be a paid activity.

Jul 10: Coffee & Chill

No guest speaker. Come for coffee and a time to meet moms!

Aisha from Henna art by Ayesha will be joining us at Coffee & Chill. Indulge in a moment of beauty and relaxation with a henna session for moms. Let the intricate designs unfold, as you bond with your little one, creating memories that are as timeless as the art itself. Henna will be a paid activity.

July 16:  Having A Mom Network

Paula is a mom and owner of PW Design Co

Paula Welz is coming to talk about her experience with PPA/PPD and the importance of building a mom network.

Jul 17: Rest and Digest, aka sleep and poop!

Dr. Anna Winner is a Pediatric Chiropractor at LiveWell Family Chiropractor

Has your little one struggled with constipation? Have nights been challenging despite all of the best sleep advice? Come learn about how chiropractic might be able to help! This session will include an engaging conversation, at-home tips, and a Q&A session, as well as an opportunity to see some of the technology we use in our office to help analyze and quantify stresses on your baby's nerve system that might be contributing to these challenges.

July 23: Coffee & Chill

Come for coffee and a time to meet moms! There will be no guest speaker today.

Jul 24: Coffee & Chill

Come for coffee and a time to meet moms! There will be no guest speaker today.

July 30: Coffee & Chill

Come for coffee and a time to meet moms! There will be no guest speaker today.

Jul 31: Creative Coping

Kayla Huszar is an expressive art therapist for moms and owner of Kayla Huszar Creative Services

Join us for a brief presentation followed by a fun activity where you'll create and take home self-care cards. Gain crystal-clear clarity on your needs and learn practical ways to meet them as you navigate this chapter of motherhood.Expressing yourself with words and/or images can help you regulate and rediscover your identity. 



Aug 6: Coffee & Chill

Come and chat with moms! No guest speaker today.

Aug 7: Emotional Regulation

Georgia Miller, Author, teacher and owner of Mindful Brunette

Everything emotional regulation! In children and as a mother in chronic pain, Georgia covers it all. She has a masters in education, specializing in mental health and has spent a decade in the classroom supporting kids with mental health struggles.


Aug 13: Coffee & Chill

Come and chat with moms! No guest speaker today.

Aug 14Reconnecting with Yourself Postpartum

Leila Awada, Physiotherapist and owner of LA Physio & Wellness

Your body has gone through a lot of changes in a short period of time. Join me as we reconnect with ourselves by learning about our physical changes and how to regain control of our pelvic floors and breath.


Aug 20: Coffee & Chill

Aug 21:  Baby’s Brain Development

Stephanie Pearson, Pediatric Occupational Therapist with Baseline Speech

Have you ever wondered how an infant's brain grows and develops? We will discuss how you can support your child's brain and body to help encourage healthy and adaptive development as they grow.

Aug 27:  Don’t Let Christmas Sneak Up and Stress You Out This Year

Mallory, mom of two from our Coffee & Convos community

Discover helpful ways to conquer your overwhelming and endless holiday ‘to do list.’  Trade the hustle and bustle with some pre-planning and organization. Mallory will share her experience and some simple things you can do to remove some stress and add more time to enjoy the holidays with your family.

Aug 28: Don’t Let Christmas Sneak Up and Stress You Out This Year

Mallory, mom of two from our Coffee & Convos community

Discover helpful ways to conquer your overwhelming and endless holiday ‘to do list.’  Trade the hustle and bustle with some pre-planning and organization. Mallory will share her experience and some simple things you can do to remove some stress and add more time to enjoy the holidays with your family.

Missed her talk? Read key points from Mallory's talk on our blog


Sept 3:  Planning for Preschool

Sarah Diggle, Preschool Director and co-owner of Purpose Preschool

Come chat with Sarah about all things preschool and what you need to know about planning for preschool. She will share the different options for preschool, what choices parents have, what you can do to prepare for preschool at home and more.  

Sept 4:  Planning for Preschool

Sarah Diggle is a Preschool Director at Purpose Preschool

Come chat with Sarah about all things preschool and what you need to know about planning for preschool. She will share the different options for preschool, what choices parents have, what you can do to prepare for preschool at home and more. 

Sept 7: Coping in Labour

Asha Thomas, Birth Worker

Coping in labour and utilizing comfort measures.

Sept 10:  Fertility and Hormones Postpartum

Crisia Tabacaru, Fertility Awareness Educator & Fertility Doula with Cycle and Flow

The return of fertility postpartum can be challenging to navigate, but it doesn't have to be confusing. We'll chat about what your hormones are up to postpartum, factors that affect conceiving again, and options for natural birth control. 

Sept 11:  Speech and Language Milestones

Marnie Paul, Speech and Language Pathologist with Baseline Speech 

A discussion of speech and language milestones, when to be concerned, and some strategies to promote first sounds and words.

Sept 14: Babyproof Your Relationship

Krista Yaskiw, Couples Coach and owner of Krista Yaskiw Coaching

Bringing home a baby can change the dynamic in any relationship! Join us as we discuss tips on preparing your relationship, including quick ways to stay connected as a couple while maintaining good communication.

Sept 17:  Coffee & Chill

September 18:  Mom Mental Health

Kari Freeman, Psychologist and owner of Kari Freeman Psychology

Mental health concerns are the most common complication of pregnancy and postpartum, yet we don’t talk enough about them. Break the stigma! Come chat all things mental health including common symptoms and how to manage the dreaded “mom guilt”

September 21: Infant Brain Growth and Development

Stephanie Pearson, Pediatric Occupational Therapist with Baseline Speech

Have you ever wondered how an infants brain grows and develops? We will discuss how you can support your child's brain and body to help encourage healthy and adaptive development as they grow.

Sept 24:  Speech and Language Milestones

Marnie Paul, Speech and Language Pathologist with Baseline Speech 

A discussion of speech and language milestones, when to be concerned, and some strategies to promote first sounds and words.

Missed her talk? Read key points from Mallory's talk on our blog

September 25:  Benefits of Acupuncture Through All Four Trimesters

Melanie Morrill, Acupuncturist with Accessible Acupuncture

Acupuncture supports all four trimesters of pregnancy. How? Find out more at Melanie’s talk where she breaks down by trimester how acupuncture supports pregnancy.

September 28: Navigating The First 72 hours After Birth

Sarah Ruth Domingo, Registered Nurse and owner of Nightowl Nursing

Discover essential insights and practical advice from a seasoned postpartum nurse on navigating the first 72 hours after birth. Learn how to care for your newborn and yourself with confidence and support, ensuring a smoother transition into parenthood.



Oct 1: Coffee & Chill

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and meet moms! Bring the littles.

Sorry, there will be no guest speaker on Tuesday. Kathy has been rescheduled for later this year.

*RESCHEDULED* Toddlers Language Building

Kathy Simon, Speech and Language Pathologist and owner of Alberta Therapy Co.

Come chat with Kathy and learn all about engaging toddlers in communication and language building.

October 2:  Coffee & Chill

Come and chat with moms. There will be no guest speaker.

Oct 5: Proactive Pregnancy

Kris Stepney, Owner and Chiropractor with LiveWell Family Chiropractic

Learn how chiropractic can support you through pregnancy and postpartum. A proactive approach to optimal pregnancy. How chiropractic can help you to enjoy your best pregnancy and restore your vitality after birth. 

Oct 8: Coffee & Chill

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and meet moms! Bring the littles.

October 9: Nurturing Little Teeth

Amanda Jamil, Dentist with Heritage Dental Centre

A guide to child dental health during solid food introduction. Her presentation slides on Nurturing Little Teeth are here.

Amanda will be bringing swag bags for moms and babies!

Oct 12Coffee & Chill

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and meet moms! Bring the littles.

October 15:  Crucial First Year Milestones

Nicole Nieberding, Physiotherapist with Stork Mobile Physiotherapy 

Nicole will guide you through the crucial 1st year milestones, offering insights on factors that can either boost or impede a baby’s development. From asymmetries such as torticollis and janky crawling she’ll equip you with the essentials for your little one.

October 16:  Crucial First Year Milestones

Justin Prenioslo, Physiotherapist with Stork Mobile Physiotherapy 

Justin will guide you through the crucial 1st year milestones, offering insights on factors that can either boost or impede a baby’s development. From asymmetries such as torticollis and janky crawling she’ll equip you with the essentials for your little one.

October 19: Pregnancy & Sleep Problems

Brittany Matenchuk, PhD Student/ Research Coordinator with The Program for Pregnancy & Postpartum Health

Brittany is going to talk about all things sleep throughout pregnancy.  She’s going to go through sleep problems that are common in pregnancy, the connection between iron and sleep in pregnancy, sleep guidelines, pillow options, and how exercise can help.  

October 22:  Discussion about Heart Health & More

Carla Olivares, mom and owner of Cacao.Cocoa with Cause

Olivia will be talking about heart health, Dysautonomia and how to manage PTS! She will be sharing about her own health experiences.

October 23:  Benefits of Books and Reading

Bailey Oleksyn, Speech Language Pathologist with From Play to Words

Join Bailey for a heartwarming discussion on book reading to enjoy with your little ones! Discover development stages and tips for fostering a love of reading from the very start.

October 26: Coffee & Chill

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and meet moms! Bring the littles.

October 29: Hypopressives

Christy Amason is a Coach and owner of Empowerfit

Welcome to the world of hypopressives! The innovative core and pelvic floor technique that supports posture, breathing, symptom reduction and so much more. It's simple, requires no equipment and is suitable for nearly everyone.

October 30: Positive Affirmations

Words are powerful. Share your positive affirmations and spend time with our mom community. Come share your favorite mom affirmations or words of encouragement with our mom community. Bring one home with you.



Nov 2: Develop A Strong Core

Kaye, Core + Pelvic Floor Fitness Coach and owner of Core Love Fitness

Kaye will be speaking on Saturday! How to exercise in pregnancy: develop a strong core, improve your chances of a shorter labour and a better postpartum recovery

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and meet moms! Bring the littles.

Nov 5: Manage Pain, Stress & Anxiety

Candace Haughian, Acupuncturist with Nest Integrative Wellness and Fertile Way (onsite at PCRM)

A deep dive into how acupuncture can help manage pain, assist with stress management and anxiety. Candace will be talking about acupuncture and your perinatal journey. 

Nov 6: Coffee & Chill

Come enjoy a cup of hot coffee! Bring the baby and meet moms. There will be no guest speaker today.

Nov 12: Coffee & Chill

* Due to personal reasons, Asha will not be able to come in on Tuesday *

Choosing Childcare

Asha Thomas, Doula and a Family Wellness Consultant with Asha Thomas

Learn all about how to choose childcare for your little one.

Nov 13Coffee & Chill

Come enjoy a cup of hot coffee! Bring the baby and meet moms. There will be no guest speaker today.

Nov 16: Q&A: Birth and Babies

Courteney Dennett, Registered Nurse and Mama Coach with The Mama Coach

Come on Saturday and ask Courteney all your labour, birth and baby questions! As a labour and delivery nurse and mom of two, she’s seen it all. No question is off limits and no judgment will ever be passed!

Nov 19: Setting Boundaries

Anne Stevenson, Councillor at The City of Edmonton

Parenting places many pressures on our time - from work, community, and friends, to housework, cooking, and drop-offs. Join us for a conversation to reflect on how boundaries can help us stay healthy and happy as we balance these demands.

Nov 20: Intrusive Thoughts

Annelise Bazin, Registered Provisional Psychologist with Dover Psychology and Ridgeline Therapy

Let's talk about postpartum intrusive thoughts on Wednesday 10AM. What are they, what can we do about them, and when is additional support needed. 

Nov 26: SLP Lap Time

Britt Meropoulis, Speech-Language Pathologist and owner of Dream Pediatric Services

Music-based connection and interaction-focused strategies for promoting language development in infants and toddlers.

Nov 27: Postpartum Pain

Tia McLean, Physiotherapist with Nest Integrative Wellness

Pelvic health - beyond the kegel. Preventing and managing postpartum pain - especially neck, shoulder, wrist and back pain.

Nov 30: Newborn Sleep

Lisa Caputo, Sleep and Well-Being Specialist with Little Village Sleep

Let's talk newborn sleep! Becoming a new parent, or a parent of multiples is one of the hardest things you'll do. Parents who understand what normal infant sleep looks like will have higher chances of a better sleeper by 4 - 6 months.



Dec 3: Babywearing Routine

Grace Pastuck, Doula and owner of Graceful Birth Doula

Learn about the benefits of having a Babywearing Routine. Plus bring your carriers for a professional fit check!

Dec 4: Using Your Intuition

Sandra Brayer, Healthcare Advocacy Consultant with Sandra Brayer

How to use your intuitive skills to better advocate for your baby & your family." Sandra is a former registered nurse of 35 years, who worked her entire career in frontline nursing in Alberta. It's not always easy to know how to make decisions regarding your healthcare & for those you love, but Sandra will give you several easy to learn tips to start helping you make empowering decisions, and help you stop doubting those decisions too.

Dec 10Muscles & Move

Jenna Busby, Music Instructor and womens fitness coach with Ladybug Music and Core Love Fitness

“Music and Muscles” with Ladybug Music and Core Love Fitness

Dec 11: Introducing Solids

Matthew (Marina Mansour our original guest speaker was sick), Family Nutrition Dietitian with Revive Wellness

Introducing solids, identifying allergens, and how to troubleshoot feeding problems.

Dec 14: Self Care Saturday

Enjoy a quiet morning with moms. We'll have mindfulness activities for you to relax on Saturday morning while you enjoy your hot coffee.

Dec 17: Foster A Love of Reading

Bailey Oleksyn, Speech Language Pathologist with From Play to Words

Join Bailey for a heartwarming discussion on book reading to enjoy with your little ones! Discover develop stages and tips for fostering a love of reading from the very start.

Dec 18: Mental Health Journey

Iesha, Career Coach at Norquest College and Mom Content Creator with @morethanamamaseries

Iesha will be sharing about why she changed her career and about her mental health journey up until this point of her life.

Dec 24: Coffee & Chill

Bring the baby and enjoy a free cup of coffee! There will be no guest speaker.

Dec 25: No Coffee & Convos

Merry Christmas! We are closed today.

There will be no Coffee & Convos, join us next week!

Dec 28: Coffee & Chill

Come and chat with moms! There will be no guest speaker today.

Dec 31: Coffee & Chill

Bring the baby and enjoy a free cup of coffee! There will be no guest speaker.

More events from our 2023 Coffee & Convos here and Coffee & Convos in 2022 are listed here.

If you would like to support The Fourth and our mom community, learn about how you can help here!